Linux is a family of free and open-source software operating systems built around the Linux kernel. Linux is packaged in a form known as a Linux distribution for both desktop and server use. The defining component of a Linux distribution is the Linux kernel.Some of the most popular and mainstream Linux distributions are Arch Linux, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo Linux, Linux Mint, Mageia, openSUSE and Ubuntu, together with commercial distributions such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

Here are some of the important Linux command Tutorials
- shell and Shell Scripts
- basic unix commands pdf
- vi editor
- tar command
- loop in Shell scripts
- if condition unix
- Unix Functions
- Useful Unix/Linux command for Oracle DBA
- split ,tr and tee
- Bg,Fg,CtrlZ command in Linux
- How to check physical RAM ,swap space on Unix
- RSYNC command
- copy-rename
- find command
- awk command
- sed command
- Must read unix shell scripting interview questions
- Compress,Uncompress command,gzip and gunzip
- Useful Unix/Linux command for Oracle DBA
- How To Check Environment Variables for a Running Process
- 5 must unix books to enrich your brain/
- what is raid
- Grep equivalent in Windows
- grep command
- How to install ssh on ubuntu
- 41 Useful SSH Putty commands to help you manage the VPS /Dedicated Server
- how to start and stop httpd service
- How to start and stop mysql on Linux
- How to Setup ssh passwordless login using SSH keygen between two servers
- Putty for SSH
- How to generate ssh key pair on Unix using ssh-keygen
- How to login to Linux with SSH private key from window client
- How to create ,List and unzip Tar.gz file in Linux
- How to insert line after match using sed