Here in this post, I am trying to explain one of the Basic elements i.e Applications of the Oracle EBS. This also includes Query to get application name in oracle apps, query to find application id in oracle apps/Query to get application short name in oracle apps, How to check installed modules in Oracle apps
Application in Oracle EBS
- An Application is a collection of Forms, Reports and PL/SQL objects to meet a particular business objectives
- Oracle Applications like 11.0,11i, R12, R12.1 and R12.2 is a collection of predefined inter-linked applications
- A custom application can be designed and integrated with Oracle Applications
- Any custom application has to be registered with Oracle Applications
- A custom application can be defined using the
Responsibility: System Administration
Navigate to Application–>Register
Application = XPROD Custom
Short Name = XPROD
Basepath = XPROD_TOP
Description = XPROD Custom Application
- The following are the components of an application
Concurrent program
Request Group
Request Set
Standard Report Submission
Query to get application name in oracle apps/query to find application id in oracle apps/Query to get application short name in oracle apps
set linesize 1000
column application_id format a999999 heading "APPL|ID"
column application_short_name format a10 heading "APPL|SHORT NAME"
column application_name format a50 heading "APPLICATION NAME"
column language format a4 heading "LANG"
select a.application_id,
from fnd_application a,
fnd_application_tl at
where at.application_id = a.application_id
and at.language='US'
group by a.application_id,a.application_short_name,a.basepath,at.application_name,at.language
order by a.application_id
It is also possible to check the application short name or Product short name using the Metalink also
Go to My Oracle Support (MOS)
- Click on Patches & Updates.
- Click on Advanced Search.
- Under Applications search options enter Product or Product Family
a) Click to search and select
b) Search: E-Business Suite
Enter part of the product/module name and put ‘%’ from both sides
ex: %receivables%
c) Click ‘Go’
Product Name received is:
Receivables (ar)
where ‘ar’ is the product short name that you need.
How to check installed modules in Oracle apps
There are many ways to check installed modules in Oracle apps.
a) Source the applications environment file for the Admin node
b) cd $AD_TOP/sql/
c) Execute:
sqlplus apps/<apps pass> @adutconf.sql
File adutconf. lst will be created in directory $AD_TOP/sql.
Check product status by product short name.
- Implemented product has the status ‘Installed’.
- Not installed Product has the Status ‘Inactive’.
- Products with the status ‘Shared’ are not fully implemented – only partially installed for dependent Product(s).
sqlplus apps/<apps name>
'S','Shared', 'N', 'Inactive', fpi.STATUS) Status , fpi.DB_STATUS
from fnd_product_installations fpi,FND_APPLICATION fa
where fpi.APPLICATION_ID in (
Use Oracle Applications Manager (OAM).
Connect to http://<hostname>.<domain>:<PORT>:/servlets/weboam/oam/oamLogin
a. Click ‘Site Map’.
b. Under ‘System Configuration’ choose ‘License Manager.
c. Go to the ‘Products’ link.
d. Click ‘ Licensed Products’ under the ‘Reports’ section.
You can use the filter for specific products.
Filter: The product Abbreviation is AR
The value in the status column shows product installation status.
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