SQL stands for structured Query Language. It is the standard language for RDBMS management and Data manipulation.All the Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) like Oracle,MySQL, Sybase, Postgres,Teradata and Microsoft SQL Server use SQL as their standard database language. Each of the RDBMS vendors has added to some specific features to it also,so there could be some difference between the RDBMS system but they are almost similar.

Here are the topics covered into Sql Tutorial
Start with
- How to Install Oracle Express Edition for SQL Practice
- Pre-Built Oracle database for learning and testing using Oracle Developer VM
- How to use Oracle SQL*Plus
- Things you need to know about Oracle SQL developer
- how to write sql queries
- SELECT statement
- Where Clause
- order by and select distinct
- Oracle Data types
- Oracle Joins
- Cross Join
- self Join
- Oracle Join Syntax
- Oracle Set Operators
- Sql Subqueries
- Oracle Date Functions
Strings & Comparison Functions
- Single row functions in sql
- Oracle NULLIF
- Oracle NVL
- Oracle NVL2
- Oracle Coalesce
- Oracle Decode
- Oracle Case Statement
Data Definition
- Primary Key
- Foreign Key
- Unique key
- check constraint
- Not NULL constraint
- Create table oracle
- Alter Table Oracle
- Query to check table size in Oracle
- Oracle Truncate TABLE
- Create Global Temporary Table
- alter table add column oracle
- alter table rename column oracle
- oracle alter table modify column
- alter table drop column in oracle
- How to List All Tables in Oracle
- How to check all constraints in table
- Oracle Sequences
- Oracle views: Create, Drop,Modify, Updatable View
- materialized views
- How to delete duplicate rows from Oracle table
- External tables
- Oracle Indexes and types of indexes in oracle with example
- how to find indexes on a table in oracle
- Oracle Create User , System Privileges and Oracle Object Privileges
- Top 49 Oracle Interview questions : Basics , Oracle SQL
- Oracle Partitioned table
- Oracle Partition Index
- How to converts rows into column in a table
- How to change Data format in Oracle
Analytic Functions
- Oracle Analytic functions
- LEAD and LAG
- Top-N Queries and Pagination
- LISTAGG Function
- Oracle PLSQL Block Structure and Oracle PLSQL Variable
- PLSQL records
- PLSQL Tables (Associative array or index-by table)
- How to use google translate URL in Oracle plsql
- Oracle cursor
- Most commonly asked 25 oracle plsql interview questions
- Top 10 Most Common MySQL queries examples
- Auto Increment Column – Sequence as Default Value in Oracle and mysql
- Step-by-Step guide for Installing MySQL on Windows
- Most Common MySQL queries